Art Gallery LASKARIDI starts its history in 1992. It was The First private Gallery in Sozopol. Here you will find a wide range of works by the most prominent artists from Bulgaria and other countries (Greece, Turkey, Romania, Ukraine, Italy, USA, Canada).
It is situated in one of the most oldiest houses in Sozopol, an architectural monument of culture, DIMITRI LASKARIDIS` House.
During the construction of the Gallery, the Christian basilica, 10th – 17th century AD was found. The altar of the basilica is located inside the Gallery. Every visitor can see it and personally touch the ancient history.

“Laskaridis House” was built in the 19th century AD. It is located on Cyril and Methodius Street in the central part of the peninsula, forming an independent insula with its yard. The building is two-storeyed with a stone cellar and a flat residential floor. The basement has an entrance to the west corner with a double winged wooden gate, above which is built-in an antique cornice. The most characteristic feature of the house is the southwestern facade where the floor comes out 2 m. and is supported by 4 carved wooden pillars.
The Laskaridis family, owners of pound nets, fish traders and boat builders, own the house with notary deed of 1876, issued by the administration of Sultan Abdul Hamid II.
Foundations of an altar of the Christian basilica, 10th – 17th century AD, have been preserved in the yard.

The Old Metropolitan Church.
Altar inside The Art Gallery LASKARIDI
The Old Metropolitan, 10th - 17th century AD, is the largest and most representative temple of Medieval Sozopol. The altar of the basilica is located inside the Art Gallery LASKARIDI.
Altar remains of a medieval temple built over a late antiquity layer of 4-6 AD dated by a monetary find of emperors Arcadis, Honorius, Anastasius, Valentianus, Theodosius I and four species of Apolonia coins 350-306 BC.
The Church is dated between 12-14 AD and with its additional parts has once represenred a wholesome cult compound in the centre of the town, it has been in use from hellentic till contemporary times, the compound comprises an antique sanctuary, an old christian basilica and medieval church of later built.
We are always glad to see you!
Owner of the Art Gallery LASKARIDI